Xianyu Chen

Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Office: Keller 6-240
Email: chen6582[AT]umn[DOT]edu

Xianyu Chen

Biography [Resume] [Curriculum Vitae]

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate at University of Minnesota - Twin Cities supervised by Prof. Catherine Qi Zhao in Computer Science from 2019 fall. My research interests include vision & language, human attention and few-shot learning, with the goal of developing human-centered AI systems.

I used to be an intern in Multimedia Research Center, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences supervised by Prof. Yali Wang and Prof. Yu Qiao from August 2018 to January 2019. I focus on object detection, especially, low shots detection and life-long learning.

I have graduated and gotten my master degree in July 2018 in School of Electronics and Information Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, supervised by Prof. Ming Jiang. Previously, I received the B. Eng degree from School of Information Science and Technology in Sun Yat-sen University in 2015, under the supervision of Prof. Ming Jiang.


[07/2024] Our paper was accepted by ECCV 2024! Thanks Ming and Qi.

[02/2024] Our paper was accepted by CVPR 2024! Thanks Ming and Qi.

[01/2024] Our paper was accepted by TPAMI (Impact Factor: 23.6)! Thanks James, Ming, Shi, Louis and Qi.

[03/2022] Our paper was accepted by CVPR 2022! Thanks James, Ming, Shi, Louis and Qi.

[04/2021] Our paper was accepted by IJCAI 2021! Thanks Qi and Ming.

[03/2021] Our paper was accepted by CVPR 2021! Thanks Qi and Ming.

[08/2019] Finish my two-month internship at Tencent AI Lab.

[02/2019] I am happy to accept the Ph.D. offer from University of Minnesota - Twin Cities and awarded a two year CSE Graduate Fellowship!

Selected Publication [Google Scholar]

Understanding and Solving the Real World Tasks

  1. Xianyu Chen, Jinhui Yang, Shi Chen, Louis Wang, Ming Jiang, and Qi Zhao, "Every Problem, Every Step, All In Focus: Learning to Solve Real-World Problems with Integrated Attention" in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Jan. 2024.
  2. Jinhui Yang*, Xianyu Chen*, Ming Jiang, Shi Chen, Louis Wang and Qi Zhao, "VisualHow: Multimodal Problem Solving" in Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022). (*Co-first authors/Equal contribution) [Project Page] [Paper] [Code]

Understanding Human Attention in Performing General Tasks

  1. Xianyu Chen, Ming Jiang and Qi Zhao, "GazeXplain: Learning to Predict Natural Language Explanations of Visual Scanpaths" in Proceedings of the 2024 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024).
  2. Xianyu Chen, Ming Jiang and Qi Zhao, "Beyond Average: Individualized Visual Scanpath Prediction" in Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2024). [Paper] [Code] [Video]
  3. Xianyu Chen, Ming Jiang and Qi Zhao, "Predicting Human Scanpaths in Visual Question Answering" in Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2021). [Project Page] [Paper] [Code] [Video]
  4. Xianyu Chen, Ming Jiang and Qi Zhao, "Leveraging Human Attention in Novel Object Captioning" in Proceedings of the 2021 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021). [Paper] [Code] [2min Video] [15min Video]

Applications Related to Few-Shot Learning

  1. Xianyu Chen, Ming Jiang and Qi Zhao, "Self-Distillation for Few-Shot Image Captioning" in Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2021). [Paper] [Code] [Video]
  2. Ze Yang, Yali Wang, Xianyu Chen, Jianzhuang Liu and Yu Qiao, "Context-transformer: tackling object confusion for few-shot detection" in The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020), Hilton New York Midtown, New York, USA, 7-12 Feb. 2020. [PDF]
  3. Xianyu Chen, Yali Wang, Jianzhuang Liu and Yu Qiao, "DID: Disentangling-Imprinting-Distilling for Continuous Low-Shot Detection" in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 29, pp. 7765-7778, July 2020.
  4. Xianyu Chen, Ming Jiang, and Qi Zhao, "Leveraging Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention for Few-Shot Object Detection" in Arxiv 2020.



The 2nd Prize in Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (Leader, Top 8%) National, 2014
Meritorious Winner in Mathematical Contest in Modeling (Leader, Top 15%) International, 2013
The 1st Prize in Chinese Mathematics Competitions (8th in Guangdong Province) National, 2013
The 2nd Prize in National Undergraduate Electronics Design Contest Provincial, 2013
The 3rd Prize in Summer Camp of Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (Leader, 4th in the contest) National, 2012


College Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships University of Minnesota, 2019, 2020
National Scholarship Department of Education of China, 2013, 2017
The 1st Prize of Outstanding Students Scholarships Sun Yat-sen University, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
Five Course Certificates of Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng Coursera, 2017, 2018
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award Sun Yat-sen University, 2015
Zhentai Scholarship Sun Yat-sen University, 2012

Teaching Assistant

CSCI 5521: Machine Learning Fundamentals Spring 2024
CSCI 5521: Machine Learning Fundamentals Fall 2023
CSCI 2033: Linear Algebra Spring 2023
CSCI 5521: Machine Learning Fundamentals Fall 2022
CSCI 5302: Analysis of Numerical Algorithms Spring 2022
CSCI 5521: Machine Learning Fundamentals Fall 2021

Academic Services

Journal Reviews:

Conference Reviews:

© Xianyu Chen | Last updated: 01 July 2024